A law firm where everyone can speak English
Everyone working at Advokatbyrån Choice can speak English, and we all have extensive experience representing English speakers.
Everyone working at Advokatbyrån Choice can speak English, and we all have extensive experience representing English speakers.
Here at Advokatbyrån Choice, we are specialists in criminal cases. We take on cases as public or private defence counsel and as counsel for the injured party. Regardless of whether you are suspected of a crime, and perhaps in police custody or otherwise detained, or the victim of a crime, you have the right to a skilled lawyer or solicitor at your side. So, ask that the court appoint someone from Advokatbyrån Choice as your defence counsel or counsel for the injured party! We have extensive experience and can help you and remain by your side throughout, from being questioned by the police through court case to verdict and sentencing.
If you are seeking asylum in Sweden, the Swedish Migration Agency will want to speak to you. For this you need a public counsel to support and represent you in your efforts to obtain a residence permit. Your public counsel will also ensure that your application for asylum is properly and lawfully assessed. Ask that someone from Advokatbyrån Choice act as your public counsel! We have a great deal of experience representing people in the asylum process, both young and old, and we have extensive experience working with the authorities, such as the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish courts. We can even help you with matters concerning residence permits for immediate family members, as well as work permits. We also accept cases as public counsel for people in detention. The Swedish state usually pays our fees.
Advokatbyrån Choice can represent you in cases concerning child custody, residency and visitation rights. We have a great deal of experience representing parents in difficult situations and in court cases concerning family matters. Perhaps a custody ruling needs to be re-examined to better suit your children’s lives, or visitation rights need to be reconsidered. Ask for a lawyer or solicitor from Advokatbyrån Choice! We can help you. We can also help to draft written agreements on child custody, residency and visitation rights. Naturally, we can even offer general advice on family law.
In cases concerning compulsory care (LVU, Swedish act on the care of young persons; LVM, Swedish act on the care of addicts; and LPT/LRV, Swedish acts on compulsory psychiatric care and forensic psychiatric care), someone from Advokatbyrån Choice can represent and help you in dealing with the authorities and the courts. Such cases can concern children alleged to find themselves in harmful environments and taken into care and placed in foster homes by social services, or persons receiving compulsory care due to addiction or mental illness. If the authorities have decided on compulsory measures, you have the right to a public counsel. Ask for a solicitor or lawyer from Advokatbyrån Choice! We have extensive experience representing and acting on behalf of children, youths and adults in such cases. The Swedish state pays our fees.
För många uppdrag förordnas en advokat av domstolar och myndigheter. För vissa uppdrag kan man ansöka om rättshjälp eller rättsskydd. Hör av dig till oss för mer information. Advokatbyrån kan bistå dig med ansökan om rättshjälp/rättsskydd när det är aktuellt. Den som är missnöjd med en faktura kan vända sig till Advokatsamfundets konsumenttvistnämnd.